The following requirements state the functions and capabilities that the DML system will provide, although some requirements may be stated on other pages:
- Integration with University of Aveiro’s services (UU) — for easier access and information retrieval;
- Wiki-based platform — imposed by stakeholders — search for information in the system and manage equipments and their requisitions, projects and users;
- Android and iOS apps — manage projects and request equipments using their QR codes to make the requisition process agile;
- Self-managed network — able to satisfy the users’ requests to VM’s and VLANs autonomously, in order to overcome UA’s network constraints;
- Components must be independent — the failure of a plugin component must not affect neither the core nor other plugins;
- History of equipment usage (owner and associated project) — keep a log of users who might have broken it;
- Ability to automatically test the reachability of a set of endpoints;
- Interface to manage the room’s network;
- Statistics about the room’s usage (count people);
- The system must provide APIs for easy expansion — this is a multi-year project.
DETI MakerLab (DML) platform includes the following features:
- Create, edit and delete projects;
- Register and edit equipment’s info and their quantity;
- Invite and remove collaborators to projects;
- Generation of QR codes for unlabeled units;
- Search users/projects/equipments;
- Document users/projects/equipments with text, images and file attachments;
- Version controlled documentation;
- Let teachers approve projects;
- Request and return/release electronic equipment in the context of approved projects;
- Scanning QR codes of equipments using the mobile app in order to do requests;
- Notify requisitions by email;
- Request and release VLANs and create or destroy VMs through the DETI MakerLab Servant.