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The parser can be logically divided into 4 stages:

Each stage is represented by a function in the file parser/

Public methods

The only public method the module exports is parse(article). It receives and parses an article as it is retrieved from the wiki, and returns a dictionary with the proper output. It encapsulates the stages mentioned above.

Private methods

Each private method implements one of the stages defined above. Their rationale follow.

_parse_db(article) => db_article

Retrieves (and returns) the relevant information from article, directly from the database structure implied from Django.

_parse_xml(xml_content) => xml_article

Retrieves and returns relevant xml tags from the article’s content. Might do some manipulations with the tags (such as popping them out of a nested structure).

_parse_md(md_content) => md_article

Sets up and calls a LL(*) parser (ANTLR grammar) that retrieves relevant information from the markdown itself.

Although not strictly imposed, it seems like a good police to not compute extra results after the parsing is done, contrary to what is done with the previous methods. The parser itself should handle the creation of new values.

The grammar used is defined in Article.g4.

The parser’s generation needs an installation of ANTLR (which although easy is out of the scope of this document). Afterwards the process of generating it should be very streamlined. Notice that with the current implementation, there is no need to generate a parse tree listener not visitor.

Disclaimer: Currently this function does nothing. It used to, and thus we decided to leave it be for reference.

_normalize(article) => normalized_article

This function is used to ensure that the result of a parse is a well defined structure. Again, it might compute new values from the previous computed ones. No other stages have the ability to compute values based on others that are not from their stage only. This restriction is lifted in the normalizer.

Wrap up

After the execution of the first three methods, they are joined together and the result is normalized. The normalized article structure is then returned.