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Solr’s engine provides an interface to solr queries, hiding the otherwise necessary direct calls. Its code is contained within the solr-engine repo.

Container and settings

Solr itself is contained within a docker container.

The directory solr-conf within the root of the repo contains Solr’s settings and schemas (currently only one, for Portuguese language).

The file docker-composer.yml contains the docker specs for the node to create, which by default uses /var/makerlab/solr/ to store the information.

The script handles the container’s deployment.

Running everything

The container itself should auto-load by itself (look into the installation guide for more details).

The server (presented below), being a flask app, usually python suffices. This should only be done for debug purposes though. For production, a solr_uwsgi.ini is included which handles the configuration in order to properly run the server. Again, refer to the installation guide for more details.


The file contains a flask app which provides a set of endpoints to facilitate communication with Solr. These are described below.

In all endpoints, json is returned. A return code of 400 is returned in case of failure, otherwise 200 is returned (unless something unexpected happens).

Get equipments, projects, profiles


lang: language to use
_type: one of - equipment, profile, project

    GET: Returns the list of _type

Index article


lang: language to use
body.json: article to index

    POST: Feeds body.json to Solr

Remove article


lang: language to use
id: identifier of the article to remove

    DELETE: Deletes the article with id (argument received)

Projects of a user


lang: language to use
user_id: user identifier

    GET: Returns the list of projects of a user



lang: language to use

    GET: Returns the list of (active) requisitions

Requisitions of a user


lang: language to use
user_id: user identifier

    GET: Returns the list of (active) requisitions of a user

Requisitions associated with a project


lang: language to use
proj_id: project identifier

    GET: Returns the list of (active) requisitions associated with a project